Hedgehog Nest Box
SKU: 39212
Product Features:
- Attractively made of natural pinewood
- Water based non-toxic wood stained roof in olive green colour
- Porch to protect hedgehogs from predators
- Hinged roof can be lifted up for easy access
- Helps attract hedgehogs to your garden
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Everyone loves seeing hedgehogs in the garden. Despite their defensive prickles, they have a friendly - some would say cute - personality, with a snuffly way of feeding, sweet little paws and the convenient habit of devouring some of our most unwanted garden pests. What’s not to like?
In recent years, the number of hedgehogs found in Britain has declined hugely, due, it is thought, to a reduction in their habitat, modern farming methods and, sadly, an increase of traffic on our roads, which has led to many thousands ending up as roadkill.Understandably, we all want to do our bit to help the humble hedgehog. Well, if you have a garden, you’re in luck, as you can indeed take steps to help ensure our remaining hedgehogs not only survive but thrive. By taking some simple steps to make your garden more hedgehog-friendly, you can go a long way to ensuring these lovely creatures live another day.The most important thing to do is to ensure any local hedgehogs have easy access to and from your garden. If there are no holes in your hedges or fences, make some - they don’t have to be large, just big enough for a hedgehog. Leaving patches of your garden to go ‘wild’ will also encourage them, as will providing them with food (cat and dog food plus water) and not using chemicals such as slug pellets.But if you want your hedgehogs to stay close, you’ll have to provide them with somewhere to live - and this is where our hedgehog house comes in. Just the right size to house a little prickly resident, the house is attractively made from natural pinewood, and has a lift-up top for easy access and cleaning.The roof has been safely treated with water based non-toxic olive green wood stain, so will last a long time, and comes complete with an added porch which will help your hedgehogs stay safe from predators. Simply place it in a secluded part of your garden (not the centre of the lawn) then sit back and wait for someone to move in.Once your hedgehog does move in, you and your family will be able to enjoy the sight of a sweet, snuffly hedgehog prowling your lawn every evening in search of slugs.All reviews submitted will be considered for suitability before being published. If you wish to speak to a member of our Customer Services Team please contact us directly
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